About Me

Savvy Barnes - Computer & Cognitive Scientist

My expertise lies in the intersection of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and data science, with a rich background in both industry and academia.

I hold dual bachelor degrees in Computer Science and Psychology, with minors in Environmental Sustainability Studies, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science. Recently, I have completed a Master’s of Science in Computer Science with a specialization in Cognitive Science, all proudly earned from Michigan State University (Go Green!).

My journey has taken me through incredible experiences, from collaborating with NASA Glenn’s Graphical Visualization Team to contributing my skills to Kellanova’s Global Data Science Team and the Interoperability Institute’s Instructional Design and Synthetic Data team. I’ve immersed myself in various research labs, contributing to projects in topics ranging from natural language AI guidance to exploring the intriguing connection between music and narrative with pattern recognition.

In cognitive science, I’ve delved into the realm of philosophy of science, focusing on a modified version of Koskinen’s risk account. In May, I will begin my second stint at NASA Langley in the Safety-Critical Avionics Systems Branch. This internship will combine my passion for safety and software engineering and philosophy. Additionally, I will be working in child language acquisition through a linguistic perspective on two projects over the summer and through the Fall. Finally, I have a disability & autonomous vehicle systems article in the works.

With a passion for DEI initiatives, I am dedicated to sharing my experiences and motivating the next generation of young scientists. I’ve been an integral part of the Michigan Council for Women in Technology for four years, wearing multiple hats as a scholar, speaker, and volunteer. Additionally, I served as the Outreach Coordinator for Spartan Hackers, where I have encouraged underrepresented groups to explore computer science and engineering through hackathons and community building. As a student teacher, I have taught CSE 231 - Introduction to Python Programming for five years - mentoring students through several milestones and major life-events. I hope to continue teaching and exploring outreach opportunities as my career progresses.

I am always excited to collaborate and learn from others; I believe that the best work comes from working together.
If you would like to work together or discuss any of my work, please reach out!

If you are looking for a mentee/mentor relationship - feel free to reach out as well!